We live for summer days on Mackinac. We are so excited for the first day of summer this week! The days are longer and warmer and everything is happier with ice cream shops open, tourists bustling in and out, so many different events happening through the State Park, Mackinac Arts Council, and more! Summers on Mackinac are busy socially!
I made a Mackinac Island Summer Bucket List of things that we want to do specifically on the island this summer. Earlier this week, the boys and I went to Lucky Bean for a delicious smoothie - they love the mango flavor best!
I can’t wait to spend the summer making aweslme memories with our family. They are growing up so fast!
The little moments are most important.
If you’re visiting Mackinac this summer, feel free to use our bucket list ideas.
Or tell me what is on your Mackinac Bucket List … I’d love to hear!