It’s time to celebrate a new holiday, which you know I love! The boys and I have a fun week planned filled with Easter activities that I know they are going to love!
This past weekend the boys were SO excited about Easter coming up that we did a “practice” Easter egg hunt in the yard- they loved it! It was a fun way to get outside and burn off some energy!
One of our friends gifted us a Gingerbread Easter House - which is so fun! I love that these are becoming activities for more than just Christmas! We plan to do the Gingerbread House together one night as a family - I know there will be more snacking than decorating, but that’s just part of the fun!
Of course, we plan to dye eggs this week, too! This is an activity that I grew up doing and always love to have the boys do with me! It’s so fun to see the boys be creative with what colors and designs they choose to put on their eggs!
I love writing cards + receiving cards! The boys and I are going to make Easter cards for our neighbors as a way to bring a smile to their faces this spring season!
Photo from The best Ideas for Kids Website
I found this super easy but fun craft to make Paper Plate Easter Bunnies! All you need is Paper Plates, Construction Paper, Pom Poms, Pipe Cleaners, Googly Eyes and Glue! It will be fun to create cute and silly faces!
My Easter Delights board on Pinterest is filled with decor, treats, activities and more! You can look at it here! if you need just a little inspiration for your home decor or for a fun new treat this week!
I love getting emails from Play, Party, Plan! They always inspire me with craft ideas for me to do with the boys! If you are still looking for Easter inspiration, check out their website post here that has 30+ Easter Games that will keep your family entertained for hours this upcoming weekend!
I’d love to hear what you do fun for Easter with your kids! As always, I hope that you find a way to celebrate and make every day special in a way that works for you and your family.