Once the kids are back in school, I've decided that it's time to spend a little more time focusing on me! As moms we get so busy in the summer making sure that our kids are doing all the right summer camps, day adventures, and various activities that we don't make ourselves a priority!
This fall I want to focus on getting back into yoga, drinking more water and taking time to do things just for me. I know that this isn't a list that I will cross off all in one day, but I am going to work on doing one small thing for me each day. But at the end of each day, I want to be able to celebrate a small win for the day!
I'm also on the hunt for a new inspiring podcast! I love listening to Jenna Kutcher's Goal Digger Podcast. If you have any other inspirational or business podcasts that you love, send them my way! Now that I am commuting to Mackinac Island from Petoskey, I have plenty of time in the car to listen and be inspired!
These are a few things on my list - I hope that they inspire you to make your own Self Care Challenge List!