May Update from Nicole

Posted by Nicole Doud on

What day is it?? This seems to be the common question over the last two months. We have moved back to Mackinac full-time again, and, a little earlier since the boys are doing school from home. Normally, the island would be coming alive right now for the 2020 season. Unfortunately, this season is going to be very different. I am on my second week being back in the store getting it ready to reopen (hopefully soon!) and it feels so good to be back in the store! We ARE OPEN for curbside pick up for local residents and WE ARE shipping with a special $5 shipping rate and free shipping over $49!!
Mackinac IslandLittle Luxuries FREE Shipping
When we are on Mackinac Island our little family loves taking walks after dinner, either through town, along the board walk or to Grand Hotel and the West Bluff. This spring, our walks have been extremely quiet and, honestly, it's VERY weird to me. Not seeing the lights on at Grand Hotel or the flags flying, only seeing 2-3 people on our entire walk, and seeing CLOSED signs on almost every business along Main Street - it's so scary.  It has definitely been challenging trying to stay positive once we moved back to the island. We are so used to experiencing a normal, busy Mackinac Island season to now a lonely, quiet island. This time has made me realize how important small businesses are. Of course I know how important they are to our economy, but through all of this small businesses are the heart of small towns. The past 12 years running my shops, never did I ever think we would be experiencing something like this. However, it has had it's positives. Such as, making me think out of the box, ordering more carefully, and digging deeper to make my businesses work. I do believe that small businesses are going to get more support than ever right now and after this pandemic. We will get through this! Our world is realizing how important independent businesses are to our economy.
Mackinac Island, along with other tourist towns will have a later start than normal, and I really hope many of you can still make a trip to our beautiful island this season. If you cannot, follow my Instagram stories so you can feel like you are on Mackinac. I am trying my best to show each of you your favorite place(s) and what's behind our store doors.
Mackinac Island WalksMackinac Island Walks
Fun New Things: 
Our Island Girl Collection items are arriving the end of this month!! I can't wait to show you what's new!! 
Who would have thought we would be styling ourselves with handmade masks?! Families are purchasing patterned masks and supporting local makers. We are carrying 4 different makers' masks in the shops. Check them out online! They are selling quickly!
Little Luxuries Face Masks
Family Time On Mackinac During Stay-at-Home Time: 
You are probably thinking what are we doing to keep busy on Mackinac Island with only the grocery store open and the Mustang for take-out. With three little boys it is a little challenging, especially with the weather not being in our advantage right now.  We are spending time in our backyard, enjoying walks, venturing out to Wawashkamo Golf Course, finding rocks along the shore, family face-timing, board game nights, science projects, eating more, and just holding each other tighter more.
Doud Boys 
I know this isn't easy for anyone. This will pass and IT WILL get better eventually. Be patient, stay positive and don't be so hard on yourself. Staying in your pjs all day and binge watching Netflix IS okay :) 
Be well, 

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  • Hi. If you are not Always Staying on the island, how does your family run the grocery store? Thank you

    JAnna on
  • The idea of not bringing my boys to the island this year is so sad. I am going to place an order online from the shop. God bless you Nicole. Good luck! Love, Audrey from vintagemitten

    Audrey on

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