I hope your holiday was just what you needed to finish the year out. Our family the last few years have spent Christmas in Petoskey and the week after Christmas on Mackinac. This year we spent two full weeks on the island and it was wonderful!

The boys were spoiled with Baby Yoda toys. I did not grow up watching Star Wars AT ALL. It is now 'the thing' in our family. LOL

Winter walks through town are the best. We love them any time of year, but there's something extra special in December with snow. After dinner, we walked to Doud's Market and after close played hide and go seek!

We received a few more inches of snow one day and Andrew took the boys for snowmobile rides. Johnny was in HEAVEN! He loved 'to drive'.

Louie and Tommy kept asking to bake Christmas cookies, so we finally found some time to do so. I love getting my aprons out to bake during the holidays. Louie was a champ and put on one of my Mackinac Island half aprons!

Christmas Eve mass was stunning! Despite, Johnny talking way too much and too loud during mass, it was so nice to be at our favorite church.

I was able to get outside and take a few long walks. Walking through the island is one of my favorite things to do. It makes me feel refreshed, happy and at peace.

We hosted a small dinner gathering with a few friends one night. Andrew and I enjoy doing this together. Plus, it makes you have to get the house all picked up! It only lasts a few hours, but it was enjoyable to see the house perfectly clean for a short while! :)

We were so grateful to be able to watch one of the most beautiful fireworks displays the night before NYE. There was something about watching fireworks over the snow and lake in December.

New Year's Eve we celebrated with our best friends and had a low key dinner with laughs. The boys stayed up later than usual and we paid for it the next day.

Our holiday break was heart warming and just what we needed to end the year. Besides all the fun activities, we also cleaned out our basement, hung things on our walls, put together new dining room chairs and my shops were open for a few days!
If you've ever wondered what winter on Mackinac is like, it is quite special.
Cheers to you,