The first weekend in December on Mackinac the annual Christmas Bazaar takes place. It kicks off Friday evening with the tree lighting and Saturday is an event at the Community Hall which involves a bake sale, silent auction, live auction, ice cream sundaes and more!

Louie participated in the live auction and won this GIANT teddy bear! I have always said no to this giant teddy bear but gave in this year and the boys were HAPPY! Did I mention the Christmas Bazaar benefits the island churches and medical center.

Saturday evening we watched the Christmas play at Mission Point theatre put on by the Mackinac Arts Council. They do such a great job! It is a fun way to celebrate the holiday season.

When it's cold out and no snow, the boys all pile into our garden cart with blankets and we give them a lift to our destination.

Our pub was open for the special weekend! Andrew went all out decorating for the festive weekend and it looked great inside!

It's always so magical looking at the Christmas tree on Main Street while singing Christmas carols as a small community and visitors who have always wanted to see the tree lit. It was fun to see our boys enjoy the bazaar event this year more than they ever have and see how it benefits the community.