What I Do in the Off - Season

Posted by Nicole Doud on


Nicole Doud

Do you ever wonder what a seasonal shop does during the off season? Here are a few things that we do to stay busy and get ready for the upcoming season!
*Spend time with family and friends! Since we are open 7 days a week for 7 months a year, I rarely get to spend time with extended family or even friends! A lot of the off season is spent with our loved ones, catching up and making memories! I also spend a lot of time with the boys when they aren’t in school. I love to take the time to make cookies for them, read them extra books or make a fun arts and craft project!
*Take trips! When it isn’t a pandemic, we spend a lot of time taking weekend trips, heading South for warmer weather! Andrew and I usually take a trip just the two of us to celebrate our anniversary and the end of one season before the next season begins! It’s nice to have just time for the two of us and to explore somewhere new!
*Evaluate the past season. Brainstorm what worked and what didn’t! I want to make sure that each season, we are improving and becoming the best shop we can to keep on selling the goodies that bring a smile to your face! 
*During November and December when the storefront is closed, we are very busy mailing out online orders and then opening on select days for Island residents to do their holiday shopping. 
*Order for the upcoming season! I spend a lot of time perusing catalogs, searching for new, unheard of artists and looking for unique goods for all three shops! This is one of my favorite things to do during the off season. Dream about new goodies that you’ll love!
*In January, I start to hire for the next season! If you’re interested in applying, read about the positions we have open HERE and then send an email with your resume and references to me (Nicole) at littleluxuriesmanager@yahoo.com
*Purge! I love a good deep clean! I spend a lot of time going through the shops, getting rid of old displays and thinking of ways to display goods!
*House projects! Since I’m so busy during the summer, I spend some days doing house projects, deep cleaning and decorating various spaces. Out with the old, in with the new!
The off season is filled with memories being made with our family and friends, plus administrative work to prepare for the upcoming season! It’s a lot of work, but I love it and wouldn’t trade it for the world!

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