While I'm currently cozy and warm, looking outside at the snow piling, I'm dreaming of sunny days on Mackinac Island! Until then, I'll stay busy at my computer prepping for the new season, enjoying quality time with my boys and enjoying the slowness that winter brings. In today's email, I'm sharing some of my current favorites. I hope you enjoy!

I haven’t been attempting to make any new recipes lately, but I am making my easy and favorite household banana chocolate chip muffins and energy bites.
Get the Banana Chocolate Chip Muffin Recipe Here!
Get the Energy Bite Recipe Here!

Younger on Netflix. It's so cute! It even has Hillary Duff in it! I haven't watched Hillary in a movie for awhile now. Maybe because I am nearing 40 this was relatable. It will make you laugh!

Of course, Mel Robbin's new book The Let Them Theory! I truly believe in The Let Them Theory - I highly recommend you read about it!

I am loving all things pink and hearts with Valentine's Day approaching. I found this cute cardigan on Amazon recently and love it! The buttons and heart are so darn cute!
What am I not organizing?! HA! The major project is switching an office and a bedroom around. Johnny will have his own 'tiny' bedroom and I will have a larger office space. Yay! Meanwhile, I am trying to organize pantries, closets, drawers, the GARAGE - all the things!

The Mel Robbins podcast I have started listening to more regularly. Some podcasts can bore me or stress me out and Mel's is fun, informative, and relates to our daily lives. Give it a try!