The first month of 2020 is almost over with and thankfully I have had some time to think about 'my word' for the new year. I prefer choosing a word vs. a resolution because by choosing one word it is a quick reminder to yourself and helps make sure you are on track. My word for 2020 is FOCUS. It seems pretty general, but for me, I wear many hats and I really need to focus! I easily get side tracked and off task doing something else. It's so crazy how our brains all function so differently. For example, before I leave for a trip, my brain says 'clean and organize the entire house!' Andrew thinks I am crazy when this happens.
For me to FOCUS, I have to get little things out of the way before my important, larger goals. For example, I am going through boxes from grade school and high school my mom has given seems never ending, but I have to get this out of my way so I can really focus on my work. Anyone else like this?
A good friend of mine recently surprised me with a sweet gift. It is a bracelet with the word FOCUS engraved on it. It was so thoughtful of her and I am wearing it every day of course. Having the word right on my wrist is an awesome reminder for me.
If you chose a word for 2020, I hope it helps you accomplish your goals and stay on track. Thank you for being here and reading my blog posts. I really appreciate it! I hope the month of February is amazing for you!