Mallory is from Essexville, MI and is also here for her first season. She has visited the island several times before and wanted to experience life and retail here. Mallory’s favorite products are the Mackinac Bath and Body collection and the Cat Studio Pillows at Little Luxuries. This summer, Mallory’s goal has been to visit the Copula Lounge at the Grand hotel. Her favorite thing to do on the island is trying new restaurants and finding new trails to ride on and explore.
Isabella is from Macomb, MI and is here for her first season to complete her internship. Her favorite products in the stores are the Nat + Noor barrettes and earrings at Little Luxuries. This summer, Isabella has enjoyed exploring the island and finding new things to see. Isabella’s goal for the summer has been to ride a horse.
Meet Alissa! Alissa is from Commerce, MI. She has visited the island several times and was interested in experiencing life and work on Mackinac as well as all of the wonderful opportunities and experiences that come with it. Alissa’s favorite products are Ava’s Candles (especially the Island Vacation scent) and the Katie Elberts prints at The Artists Market. Alissa’s goal this summer is to go dancing at the Grand Hotel and she loves spending time at the beach near British Landing.
If you have been visiting us here for recent seasons, you might recognize Gaby. Gaby is from Ashland, Ohio and is here for her third season. She fell in love with Mackinac and loves working with us here at Little Luxuries. Her favorite product is the Vintage Silverware Treasures rings at The Artists Market and she is slowly working on filling her fingers with them. A summer goal of Gabys has been to make new friends. Her favorite thing to do on the island is take walks and enjoy the beautiful sights that Mackinac has to offer.
Meet Natalie! Natalie is from Zeeland, MI and has come here to complete her internship in a unique place full of fun summer opportunities. Her favorite products are the Jenna Kator bags at Little Luxuries and the Cellar Door candles and soaps at The Artists Market. A summer goal of hers has been to see a sunset at Sunset Rock and she loves spending time anywhere by the water.
Meredith is from Walnut Creek, California. She came to Mackinac to explore Michigan and meet people from all over the world. Her favorite product at the stores are the Mackinac Mittens at The Artists Market, which are made by 3 teachers on the island. Her favorite thing to do on the island has been swimming along the East Bluff. This summer, Meredith hopes to be able to kayak to Round Island.
Meet Kati! Kati is from Alma, MI and is here for her first season. Kati loves exploring and knew that coming to the island would be the perfect place to do so. She has been enjoying the season and hopes to return for another. Her favorite products at the stores are the Faded Flannels at Canvas and Paddle and the Ned’s Honey Mustard Pretzels at Little Luxuries. Her favorite things to do on the island are watching the sunset and stargazing at Fort Holmes. This summer Kati wants to develop her knowledge in retail to help her open her own store one day!
Remi is from Linden, MI. She came to the island to experience something new and exciting before starting her Masters degree. Her favorite products are the State of Copper pieces at Canvas and Paddle. Each piece from State of Copper is one of a kind! This summer her favorite thing to do on island has been exploring the trails and a goal of Remi’s has been to try all the Main Street restaurants.
Come stop on in to meet these lovely ladies, we are open from 9:30am to 9pm everyday. We can’t wait to see you!